Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

February 20, 2019

Lessons from 6 software rewrite stories – Herb Caudill – Medium

My takeaway from these stories is this: Once you’ve learned enough that there’s a certain distance between the current version of your product and the best version of that product you can imagine, then the right approach is not to replace your software with a new version, but to build something new next to it — without throwing away what you have.

Implementing Dstat with Performance Co-Pilot

Dstat is a beloved tool by many, and a staple when diagnosing system performance issues. However, the original dstat is no longer actively developed. This poses an immediate problem for distributions like Fedora moving to a Python 3 stack, as it lacks a Python 3 implementation (both the tool itself, and its many plugins). It is also problematic in that the plugin system was relatively simplistic and in need of a significant redesign and rewrite to add new desired features.

How Network Bandwidth Affects MySQL Performance - Percona Database Performance Blog


  1. Network performance and utilization will affect the general application throughput.
  2. Check if you are hitting network bandwidth limits
  3. Protocol compression can improve the results if you are limited by network bandwidth, but also can make things worse if you are not
  4. SSL encryption has some penalty (~10%) with a low amount of threads, but it does not scale for high concurrency workloads.
Distributed Tracing, OpenTracing and Elastic APM | Elastic

Hopefully, this blog helped you understand the landscape of Distributed Tracing a bit better and clarified some of the confusions about where we are with OpenTracing today.

Oldlinux.org -- Linux plinux - Early Linux Kernel Analysis and Comments
  • Collect all the materials related to the ancient Linux for historic testimony;
  • Rebuild the oldest Linux system that couldn't found anywhere nowaday ;
  • Provide an easiest way to learn the basics of Linux for newbies;
  • For fun :-)
Looking at MySQL 8 with PostgreSQL goggles on - Cybertec

First off – not trying to kindle any flame wars here, just trying to broaden my (your) horizons a bit, gather some ideas (maybe I’m missing out on something cool, it’s the most used Open Source RDBMS after all) and to somewhat compare the two despite being a difficult thing to do correctly / objectively. Also I’m leaving aside here performance comparisons and looking at just the available features, general querying experience and documentation clarity as this is I guess most important for beginners. So just a list of points I made for myself, grouped in no particular order.